Wiki 90806 vs 90847


Evansville Indiana
Best answers
If psychotherapy is performed on a child with the parents present and they discuss elements with the parents can you still bill a 90806 or do you have to switch to 90847? How much involvement does there need to be by the parents to make it a 90847?
From my experience, if the entire time was with the patient and parnts, then 90847 is appropriate.
However, if the therapist met with child only for a period of time, then the appropriate psychotherapy code (based on time - 90804-90808) may be billed AND the time spent with the parents with the patient may also be billed with 90847.
There may be minimum time requirements from carriers for 90847. Not all carriers will pay for the two services on the same day.
Read the documentation. What was the focus of the session? The child=90806 or if it was the family and how the child's issues affect the family functions, then its a 90847