Wiki anesthesai for dental


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Does anyone know the best codes to bill anesthesia for Medicaid for dental. I have tried 41899 crosswalk to 00170 and the HCPS codes D9220 & D9221 and none seem to be getting paid.

KY Medicaid

Medicaid is a special animal in our state (KY) and I suspect everywhere else, too! Are you billing this to medical Medicaid or dental Medicaid? We are oral surgeons and are registered both ways depending on the procedure performed. In KY, we must send our anesthesia to the medical side. They instituted new regulations in 2007 that 00170 must include the actual time of anesthesia in 15 minute increments (15 min=1 unit, 30 min=2 units, etc.). The problem with this scenario is that they paid very little per unit. After conversations with the policy department at Medicaid, they gave me a handy little tip to circumvent this policy. We can bill the D9220 on the CMS-1500 form (or on their website) and they will pay us a flat rate for each anesthesia we perform. D9221 is still largely ignored by them but at least we receive some compensation for the main procedure.

Hope this helps!
Jennifer, CPC