Wiki Angioplasty unsuccessful


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This is my first time trying this and I need help. My physician performed a selective right common iliac angiography with runoff of the right lower extremity. Following that he attempted an angioplasty of a 100% right common femoral artery stenosis, unsucessful crossing of the stenosis with multiple wires. That section of the report reads as follows: Attempted percutaneous intervention was performed. The 5 French short sheath was exchanged for a 6 French short sheath. Then, a 6 French multipurpose catheter was poritioned in the common iliac. Multiple wires were used in an attempt to cross the 100% right common femoral artery stenosis without success. The procedure was terminated.

We have the coding for the angiography but our question is whether or not he gets any credit for the attempted percutaneous intervention even though it was unsuccessful. Any comments would be appreciated.
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