Wiki Annual Well Women's Visit

miriam j

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Working with an OB?GYN. What is the best way to bill for Annual Well Women's Visit?

V72.31 and 992xx or

Can I break out the HPV Typing and Pap? with 992xx.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Everything I have researched indicates insurance companies are inconsistent on this in terms of what they reimburse. Just want to make sure the doc is getting the most dollars.

Look in the ICD-9 book in the tabular under the V72.31 it will tell you to add the V code for the HPV and that the V code for the cervical pap is inclusive and if it is a vag pap to add the V code for that, which that code will you to add the V code for the absence of cervix. Also you need to use prevent E&M not regular ov codes, those patients that have annual coverage as a beneift then will get their benefit and those that do not will have to pay out of pocket.