Wiki any final words????

Mechanicsville, VA
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I take my CPC exam this Saturday and I'm so freaked out, want to know any words of advice???, and also how long do you have to answer each question??? Can you look threw your Books while the test is going? or will this take up to much time? ....... Thank you
There is no other way to take the test but to look through your books. You can have handwritten notes in the books just nothing glued or taped in them. I found section dividers to be helpful when I took it. You have 5 1/2 hours to answer 150 questions. When I took it 5 years ago we only had 5 hours. Best advice is DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING BLANK. Fill in all of your answer key even if you run out of time and don't finish. Answer all of the easier questions first (I started with terminology because that was easiest for me. I left the Medicine and Radiology section for last because that was more difficult for me.) Second best advice is RELAX AND BREATHE.

Good luck.
I know from personal experience and from others stories that time is a huge issue. Do not freak out lol. Go thru the test and answer the easier questions first. This way if you run out of time and you have to guess you are guessing at the harder questions and not the easier questions that you probably would have known if you would have had time to get to them. Good luck!
Wear a diaper because you will not have time to get up and pee!
Just kidding! Relax! Take some snacks/drinks! Don't dwell on something too long, skip it and come back...sometimes the second time you look at something it is way clearer.
There was one question that asked about a anatomy term I had never heard of...I used my books to figure out where/what it just use common sense.
Good Luck!! Don't forget your books, you will need them!
You'll do great Ivonne! I filled in everything to the best I could straight through but put sticky flags on the ones I wanted to take a 2nd look at if I had time at the end. I did have plenty of time and was REALLY glad I marked them cuz I changed my answer on some of them and felt more confident. I took a bottle of water to sip on and some trailmix in case I needed an energy boost. Oh and I had handwritten lots of notes inside my CPT to refer to. Good Luck!!

Remember to narrow down your answer possibilities. Two can be automatically eliminated. Draw a line through them. This way, you are only choosing between two answers to determine which one is appropriate. It makes it much less overwhelming.

Also, when answering the practice questions - I jotted the rationale in my book for the questions that I got wrong (just in case I needed it for the test)

Also, remember to be on the lookout for trick questions (codes that include another service vs those that do not)!!!!

I take my CPC exam this Saturday and I'm so freaked out, want to know any words of advice???, and also how long do you have to answer each question??? Can you look threw your Books while the test is going? or will this take up to much time? ....... Thank you

I take my test this Saturday too and I am starting to get nervous as well. I think time management is going to be the key. I have a working plan in my head that I hope will make me successful.
I feel like I am going into a coding coma!!!