Wiki anyone billing clinical trial services???


True Blue
Columbus, OH
Best answers
Is anyone else working with clinical trial billing? I am interested in finding out how others handle situations where services (usually labs and radiology) are required by the study but the study has no funding to pay for the mandated services.

We work closely with Research office at a local hospital system and have their research nurses on staff to enroll and monitor patients on their clinical trials who are seen in our office. Some of these trials require that labwork and/or radiology be performed periodically that is not considered standard of care (i.e. if the patient wasn't on study, they wouldn't need to have the testing done). We have also been told that these are federal clinical trials and have no funding to pay for the services they require. This leaves us wondering just who is responsible?

Has anyone else had this type of situation? If so, how did you bill for the services? I understand that it's inappropriate to bill insurance/CMS for services that you know are being paid by the study sponsor.

Just giving this a bump to see if anyone has some insight.

Is anyone else working with clinical trial billing? I am interested in finding out how others handle situations where services (usually labs and radiology) are required by the study but the study has no funding to pay for the mandated services.

We work closely with Research office at a local hospital system and have their research nurses on staff to enroll and monitor patients on their clinical trials who are seen in our office. Some of these trials require that labwork and/or radiology be performed periodically that is not considered standard of care (i.e. if the patient wasn't on study, they wouldn't need to have the testing done). We have also been told that these are federal clinical trials and have no funding to pay for the services they require. This leaves us wondering just who is responsible?

Has anyone else had this type of situation? If so, how did you bill for the services? I understand that it's inappropriate to bill insurance/CMS for services that you know are being paid by the study sponsor.
