Wiki Arthroscopy shoulder 29805 vs 29806


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I am new to orthopaedic coding and I need help coding this please. The provider did an an arthroscopy shoulder w/debridement of the long head of the biceps tendon & debridement of the glenoid labrum at the insertion point of the biceps tendon. I am trying to figure out which codes to use for this? Can anyone please help. 29805 says arthroscopy , shoulder diagnostic . 29806 arthroscopy shoulder, surgical.
Your code would be 29822 unless the labrum was debrided from anterior to posterior.

29822 cannot be billed with any other shoulder procedure.

Debridement (29822, 29823) cannot be part of a restorative procedure. For example, if the rotator cuff tears, and the doc debrides the tendon before anchoring it back down to the bone, the debridement can't be included with 29823.


Really get to know your anatomy. You really can't code without it, especially shoulders. This will help you greatly.
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