Wiki Assistance with codes for the following


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We need to send to Darlene the following information to get codes for Jennifer. Also we need to get the pricing to know how much to charge the patient:
1. 60 minute psycho-therapy session
2. 45 minute psycho-therapy session
3. New patient orientation
4. Initial pain patient evaluation
5. Pain test by Pearson called “Brief Battery for Health Improvement 2” BBHI2
6. 16 PF Test
7. MMPI Test
8. Strong Vocational Inventory
Without knowing the provider type and the real service provided in some of these titles, we cannot provide guidance.

What provider types are providing these services?

In a patient orientation, what service is a provider furnishing? Is this a group or individual session?

I would think pain evaluations would be part of a larger service.

Thank you for your response. This is a new Psycotherapy doctor who provided this list to me. I will investigate further. Thank you
You'd still have to be more specific. There are several different kinds of "doctors" involved in psychotherapy. I'd like to help, but will need more information.