Wiki Billng for supplies


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Does anyone have a good resource to determine whether or not a supply is billable? I know that generally if you are billing a procedure code then the supply is usually bundled but there are exceptions....casting being one of them. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
We are basically just looking into what procedures we do in the office and what supplies are billable. It is a multi-specialty practice so we have internal med, family med, Ortho, ENT, General surgeons, OB/GYN, Plastics, Neuro, etc. I am getting a report to see the procedure codes we have billed in the last few years but I just don't know where I can find additional info on when it is okay to bill supplies and when it is not so that we are in compliance. Any ideas?
We are an Ortho practice and bill out alot of braces, wraps & splints. Those types of durable goods items are a carrier specific fee schedule allowable thing. You could contact your local Insurance carriers and ask whether they will reimburse on the items you would like to bill out. Other supplies used for in-office procedures I believe are bundled and not billed out separately...but again confirm that with your carriers. Provider Relations departments at insurances can be great resources and very helpful.