Wiki Calculating units for Nerve Conduction


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Can someone tell me how to correctly calculate the number of units for nerve conduction studies. Example
Rt median Sensory- long finger
Rt Ulnar Sensory- Little finger
Rt median Sensory- Thumb
Rt radical Sensory- Thumb
Lt median sensory-long finger
Lt Ulnar sensory- little finger
Lt Median sensory- thumb
Lt Radical sensory- thumb
Would this be 95904 x 6 or 8?
I know it is per nerve, but let's say like in this example the Rt Median sensory on the long finger and thumb was tested..does that count as 1 or 2 units.

Any help is appreciated. I want to make sure I am understanding this correctly.:)
When coding NCV you don't count nerve segments, the way I was taught to read appendix J is go up to the second list level (so only Median Nerve, not all the others listed below it), because anything beyond is the segments. Based on your sample I would say 6 units of 95904. Hope that helps. :)