Wiki Can I take the ICD-10 Assessment before I take my CPC exam?


Kent, WA
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I have a CPC exam scheduled for early September 2015. Can I take the ICD-10 Proficiency exam BEFORE I take my CPC. I know the deadline is December 31, 2015 so I don't want to wait until last minute.:eek:

I was trained on ICD-10 since January so I'm actually browsing through an ICD=9 book before the exam.
You have to pass the certification exam before you can take the ICD-10 proficiency test.

Good luck on your certification test! You can do it!
That is incorrect. You can take you're ICD10 proficiency exam any time you would like. It's true that its mandatory for those already credentialed, but if you're trying to cert test and ICD10 you can complete them whatever works for you.