Wiki cardiovascular/interventionalist


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In one of the articles from the April Coder's Edge, it stated that in the orthopaedists office there was a hand surgeon and patient's could be referred to within the group because the hand surgeon was a different specialty. I manage a cardiology practice where we have one interventionalist. The taxonomy code for that specialty is different from cardiovascular diseases. Do we have the same scenario here where we can bill for a consult or two services on the same date if one of our cardiologists has to hand off care to the interventionalist?
Thank you for your prompt attention to this inquiry.
Hand off care is NOT a consult

If one specialist is "handing off care" of a patient to a different specialist then you do NOT have a consultation - this is a transfer of care.

If one specialist requests the opinion or advice of a different specialist on how to manage the patient's condition (i.e. specialist # 2 will send patient back to specialist # 1 for care w/ Specialist # 2 recommendations), then you might have a consultation.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC