Wiki Cervix elongation


Baldwin Park, CA
Best answers
The cervix was noted to be hyper-elongated and this was partial excised, approximately 2 cm at the anterior lip of the cervix was excised. Sutures were placed to promote hemostasis.

Which CPT should be applied to this case?

Thank you for your advice.
Hmmm new one for me. Was anything else done?? Did the patient have a prior supracervical hysterectomy?? What was the approach??
Maybe 57520 for conization??? This seems likely to be unlisted, and comparison options from 57500-57558 depending on what exactly was done.
Hmmm new one for me. Was anything else done?? Did the patient have a prior supracervical hysterectomy?? What was the approach??
Maybe 57520 for conization??? This seems likely to be unlisted, and comparison options from 57500-57558 depending on what exactly was done.
Thank you Christine.

Patient also had
Colpopexy, enterocele repair, anterior colporrhaphy, vaginal reconstruction, perineoplasty, cystoscopy.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Patient was taken to the operating room

where anesthesia was induced. She was placed in high dorsal

lithotomy position with careful attention to not hyperflex,

hyperabduct or hyper-externally rotate the leg. This positioning was

performed directly by myself. She was examined under anesthesia with

the findings noted as above. Time-out was performed. She was

prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Catheter to gravity

was used to empty the bladder yielding 100 mL of clear urine. At

this point, we proceeded to anterior colporrhaphy. Local injection

was performed along the cystocele track. Vaginal epithelium was

excised sharply and dissected from underlying endopelvic connective

tissue at the pubocervical fascia, dissecting sharply down to the

sacrospinous ligament coccygeus complex. Using catch-release

mechanism, an Ethibond suture was placed along the midportion of the

coccygeus sacrospinous ligament complex
, first on the patient's right

and on the left side, using polydioxanone, a suture was placed along

the midportion using catch release mechanism. These sutures were

carried out on the right side through the cervix, cervical ring as

well as the vaginal epithelium and on the left it was carried out

through the vaginal epithelium in the remaining cervix, cervical

ring. I proceeded to imbricate the endopelvic connective tissue of

the pubocervical fascia in a transverse horizontal mattress fashion

including the cystocele, vagina, vaginal epithelium redundancy was

trimmed aggressively and closed with a 2-0 Vicryl suture in a running

unlocked fashion. The cervix was noted to be hyper-elongated and

this was partial excised, approximately 2 cm at the anterior lip of

the cervix was excised. Sutures were placed to promote hemostasis.

Suspension sutures were tied and held under tension. Under direct

visualization of the ureters using cystoscope, cystoscopy

demonstrated no trauma lesions. Bladder and bilateral ureteric

efflux. Suspension sutures were tied with excellent suspension. At

this point, attention was turned to the posterior aspect. Vaginal

reconstruction was performed. Elliptical incision was used to enter

the posterior compartment. Vaginal epithelium was sharply dissected

off and bluntly dissected off underlying rectovaginal septum,

endopelvic connective tissue, the rectovaginal septum. 0 Vicryl

suture was used in a vertical mattress fashion to create a tightening

effect. Redundant vaginal epithelium was resected along both the

right and left portions and the anterior portion perineum was _____

bulbocavernosus was imbricated in the midline followed by transverse

perinei. Vagina was closed with 2-0 Vicryl suture in a running

locked fashion. Patient tolerated procedure well. Sponge, lap,

needle, instrument count were correct x2. She was taken to the

recovery room in stable condition.
I would use the unlisted code 58999 Unlisted procedure, female genital system (nonobstetrical) for the cervix excision since there doesn't appear to be a specific code for this procedure. Hope this helps!
There does not seem to be a CPT for this portion. When performing an unlisted procedure at the time of another procedure, you have 3 options:
1) Use unlisted. Determine a procedure with a similar amount of work and ask the unlisted to be valued at that similar CPT.
2) Consider -22 on the primary procedure if the additional procedure is in the same body part and related. To justify -22, the note should indicate the significant additional work/time, etc above and beyond what is typically performed.
3) Decide the additional procedure was really minor additional work and consider it bundled in the primary surgery.

The note does not justify -22 in my opinion, so option 2 is out. I would lean toward option 3 in this case, but would ask for input from the clinician and consider option 1.