Wiki Code 28080 - excision of neuroma - can I use closure code


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I'm coding an excision of the neuroma - right second interspace - and using the code 28080. Can someone please let me know if I can use a closure code with this code, since it is a deep tissue closure?
Thank you!
Closure included...

I'm coding an excision of the neuroma - right second interspace - and using the code 28080. Can someone please let me know if I can use a closure code with this code, since it is a deep tissue closure?
Thank you!

According to CCI edits, you can report 28080 with a simple closure code using modifier 25, 57 or 59. However, I don't believe any of these modifiers apply to your case. I believe they would only apply if you were reporting the closure for another procedure done on the same claim. If you are only reporting 28080, the closure is included.