Wiki code help - I need a second opinion on


Mauldin, SC
Best answers
Hello, I need a second opinion on an avulsion. The note states:

Procedure: Digital block performed with 5cc 2% lidocaine. Soaked in betadine H2O. Edger of nailbed pushed uner skin. Abx oint increased dsg. pt tolerated well.

great toe - avulsed nailbed w/ laceration under cuticle; oozing a little increased ecchymosis, increased blood evident under nail, nail intact.
Hi I would like to respond to your post about the great toe avulsion. I would use the ICD-9 code 893.1 because your note mentions a laceration too. I hope this helps.


Tami Velazquez CPC - A
I would use 893.1 as an open wound is considered to be complicated when any of the following conditions is present:

Delayed healing
Delayed treatment
Foreign body in wound
Major infection

For the procedure I would use 11730 if only one nail plate is removed. 11732 for each additional nail plate removed.
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