Wiki code pair 88173 88112 path documentation


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Good evening,

Question: What documentation is needed to bill 88112 in addition to 88173? Modifier required.

The path reports I'm seeing are brief & mention only Specimen A. For example, Fine needle aspiration thyroid: left thyroid nodule 12 slides alcohol fixation. The U/S report states 6 passes were made to obtain FNA samples. The aspirates were prepared on slides & sent to path.

Since I am seeing both 88173 (cytopath eval FNA report) & 88112 (cytopath cell enhance techniques) for combined profee & facility billing I am trying to figure out what justifies the 88112 charge. I do not recognize any cytopath cellular techniques documented but am not sure what to look for. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Hello, ens555,
Specimen A is a FNA ~ you received slides. You bill 88173. You may not bill 88112 for this specimen in addition. It is the same specimen.
The pathology department received FNA slides. You bill the interpretation 88173.
If you need additional information reach out, please.
Have a fantastic evening,
