Wiki codes for mental exams

Cindy Whitt

Athens, AL
Best answers
I am new to neurology and have a questions regarding the mental status forms that my doctor uses with memory patients, MMSE, SLUMS, and those completed by caregivers. He initially wants to charge 96116, which I think is included in the E&M code for these forms. It it also a time based code and from my understanding requires a separate report. Is there any or another code that might be used for his services? Thanking you in advance.

Cindy, I can only provide you comment on the MMSE as I haven't had any knowledge of the SLUMS test before. "At the beginning of the CPT? section on central nervous system assessments and tests, it reads, "For mini mental status examination performed by a physician, see evaluation and management services codes. "Assessing a patient?s memory, orientation, and arithmetic calculation skills are part of an E/M service. Do not use any of the tests in the central nervous system assessment section (96101 to 96125), to report a MMSE..." -To see more at:

We do the CANS testing in my office, which is a computerized test for assessments and are able to bill the 96116, which is payable and we have received payment from the various insurance carriers including Medicare. I hope this helps.