Wiki Coding for Arthograms with X-Rays & Injections


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Help! I'm new to coding injections and I have a provider who wants clarification if he's able to bill for the Arthograms if performed during the time of pain injections & X-rays. Per the op report he performed a hip block with x rays and arthogram. However, for hip arthrogram, there is mention of omnipaque injection, but no supporting X ray post the contrast to complete the arthrography. Do I need to confirm if arthrography x rays were taken or not for final coding? I'm thinking I'm only able to bill pain block 20610, and maybe the x-ray hip 73502. I'm I able to bill the 27095?

What documentation supports billing for Arthrograms & Epidurogram? This provider stated he does Epidurograms to prove contrast was done but for sure he has to get better with his documentation. When can he bill for this and when he can't bill for it? I've attached a screenshot of the op note for further reference. I would truly appreciate your help with this.
