Wiki Coding for Regeneten Patch procedure during Rotator Cuff repair/reconstruction


Springfield, IL
Best answers
I've read some older threads where coders have asked this question and replied just now however, I thought I would create a new thread post in case someone misses it.

"The question was that surgeon's are performing a Patch graft procedure during a Rotator Cuff repair/reconstruction, how should this be coded."

There was debate over suggested 17999 and 23412 however, someone was getting denied and other's not thinking this was correct.

After deep research into this, I've discovered :unsure::
  • IF arthroscopic the best case scenario and advice is to bill 23929 with descriptor (Regeneten Path procedure, compare to 23412). 23412 is for OPEN procedure but the lay term describes the procedure to a "T".
  • IF is an open procedure you would just code the 23412 only.
  • 17999 wouldn't be appropriate because it's not from the Orthopedic code set.
Hope this helps someone, it sure made my day! :geek:
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I've read some older threads where coders have asked this question and replied just now however, I thought I would create a new thread post in case someone misses it.

"The question was that surgeon's are performing a Patch graft procedure during a Rotator Cuff repair/reconstruction, how should this be coded."

There was debate over suggested 17999 and 23412 however, someone was getting denied and other's not thinking this was correct.

After deep research into this, I've discovered :unsure::
  • IF arthroscopic the best case scenario and advice is to bill 29999 with descriptor (Regeneten Path procedure, compare to 23412). 23412 is for OPEN procedure but the lay term describes the procedure to a "T".
  • IF is an open procedure you would just code the 23412 in addition to the Rotator Cuff repair/reconstruct code.
  • 17999 wouldn't be appropriate because it's not from the Orthopedic code set.
Hope this helps someone, it sure made my day! :geek:
If you go to the Regeneten web site the coding instructions state that if the procedure is performed open, that the patch is included with that open procedure code.
If you go to the Regeneten web site the coding instructions state that if the procedure is performed open, that the patch is included with that open procedure code.
It's the Smith and Nephew website and I've corrected my original thread, I see where I stated incorrectly "23412 in addition to the Rotator Cuff repair/reconstruct code", when it should just be the open code for the RC repair.

I added the URL however, you have to create an account to get to it. I tried to attach the PDF but it kept saying there's a server error.

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