Wiki Coding lesions...please help!

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I have gotten 5 different answers to this. I’ve read the guidelines on coding excisions but I am confused by this one.

Left shoulder lipoma excision is 2.5 x 1.0 x .5 including circumferential margins.

Right cheek carcinoma 1.0 x 1.0 x.5.

For the first one, I get 2.5 + 1 (biggest diameter plus twice the margins) = 3.5.

However, the answer states it is code 11403-51-LT. But, that code is “excised diameter 2.1 a 3.0.

For the right cheek, I did 1.0 + 1 = 2. The code answer says 11641-RT which is “excised diameter 0.6 - 1.0.

Is this because I’m the main code, it says “including margins”, so I would not actually add in the margins???

Thank you!!!!
the amount of the margin is not stated so there is nothing more to add. also it states the measurement includes the margin so in this case it is already added in for you with the measurements.
Left shoulder lipoma excision is 2.5 x 1.0 x .5 including circumferential margins code to the largest diameter so 2.5 in this case
Right cheek carcinoma 1.0 x 1.0 x.5. the largest diameter is 1.0 so 1.0
the measurements you are given represent length by width by depth. if you had been given the margins this would have been stated as a separate measurement. So unless stated as margins of ----- size you use only the measurement given.
Thank you!!!

Now it makes sense. I thought the .5 were the margins!!!! That’s the best help I’ve had. Thank you!!!!!!