Wiki Colonoscopy Coding Issues


Grand Rapids, MI
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I have a question about CPT/DX coding for Colonoscopies - we are having trouble when we are performing a screening colonoscopy and removing polyps then bringing the patient back in 6mths for the repeat colonoscopy. The repeat is being denied due to a second screening too soon. Anyone have suggestions on how to code these? Or get these reimbursed? Guidelines suggest that when the patient has a large polyp or a high-grade neoplasia to bring them back to make sure all was removed, but then it is denied and patients do not want to come back. Looking for guidance. Our coders are billing both as screenings with the findings secondary....(I cannot find anything as a coder myself to disagree with them) but it is not working.
only the first colonoscopy is a screening with the second diagnosis as the findings. The second colonoscopy is diagnostic as a followup with the history of the polyp.
we get these paid by using z09 follow up exam other than malignant or z08 malignant condition then z86.010 report finding primary. or just report the finding on the second colon I hope that answers some questions