Wiki Community mental health center billing - group home


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Is there a list of services/codes that a group home(listed as a community health center) could use as a guideline for billing to make sure we are capturing all billable services? Currently we are only billing H0018 for Short term residential. Room and board is coming from pt's SSI. I want to confirm we can bill out for case management (T1016) and/or assessment by a non physician (H0031) UHC Community Plan is the insurance.
Comnunity M H Billing


I have no idea what state you live in but all this (guidelines for billing and documenting) would be under Medicaid for your state or Beh Health Billing. Also check out the HCPCS manual will list some of the Medicaid billing codes starting with S, T,or H code to be used in the proper setting. Also certain modifiers may identify type of maternity patient, their SA problem if in a program or level of licensed clinician or case manager treating the patient.

Lady T