Wiki consult codes for pre-ops


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Is it acceptable for family practice physicians to use consult codes when performing pre-ops for surgeons. Usually the surgeon refers patients to their family practitioner for pre-ops prior to surgery.
You will want to check with the insurance companies. As Medicare and many other insurances are no longer accepting the consult codes at all. But, if the insurance does accept a consult code you can bill if all the requirements for the code is meet. As there has to be written or documented verbal request from the surgeon, the PCP's opinion and findings (including any test results) must be reported back to the surgeon in written form as well as the level of service you are wishing to bill.

If the insurance company does not accept the consult codes you would bill a regular office visit with the appropriate V code, any chronic illness and then the reason for the surgery DX's.

Hope this is of help to you.