Wiki consult performed on patient who is inpatient rehab


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Our doctor did a "hospital consult" on a patient who is in a inpatient acute rehab unit on site of a hospital. They have their own TIN and NPI different from hospital where they are located. I am assuming POS is 61 for inpatient rehab. What consult code CPT grouping applies when rehab is in same building of hospital? This is not a medciare aged patient.
Our doctor did a "hospital consult" on a patient who is in a inpatient acute rehab unit on site of a hospital. They have their own TIN and NPI different from hospital where they are located. I am assuming POS is 61 for inpatient rehab. What consult code CPT grouping applies when rehab is in same building of hospital? This is not a medciare aged patient.

The inpatient consult codes 99251-99255 are appropriate for rehab status.