Wiki CPC certificate


if my personal opinion I say classroom. The benefits of a classroom is that you will have the opportunity to learn in person, and ask questions that sometimes are better explain in person than online. Also, I know there are schools that will provide an Associates Degree with the course and having that will make your resume stand out, as if you were to do online to just get the training.

When you are first exposed to coding, it might seem like a lot, I wont lie, its challenging but its not impossible. What I actually did is that I attended a local school, got my degree, became certified, i'm getting more and more experience everyday, and at some point promote the online course to people that are close to me, for instance my wife that i'm planning on having her do the course and I will be her "personalized" instructor so she can get better explanation if she has any questions.

again, this is just my personal opinion.

hope it helps.
If you're not adverse to social situations, I'd recommend a group setting face-to-face instructional course. You can query right away if you're not sure plus you'd have possible study partners.

That said, I can see the positive benefits of an online course: no parking issues, no walking issues, no irritating people issues.