Wiki CPC exam - I just took the CPC exam on Sat

I hope you did pass and if you do please help out with the requisition to AAPC to help CPC-As with free job postings on this thread:

But what may help ease the anxiety especially if you are new to this field is coming up with a plan B of what to do if you don't pass. Like if this is your 1st time taking the test then naturally plan B is to go ahead start taking practice exams to prepare for the next exam. Another plan B could be planning to become a RHIT or researching other prospering fields altogether.
I understand your anxiety, I also took the test Saturday - this was not my first time, but I have good faith I did well. You should have your results by Thursday - Good Luck !!!
I feel you! I've been going crazy the last few days. I keep checking to see if anything has been updated. I need to try to just get it out of my head but I can't. The worst thing is the "schedule retake" link. Since it's a link, it sticks out more than the "pending" and every time I check, it's the first thing my eyes are drawn to and I think I failed, haha. Good luck to you! I've seen other threads where results were up as early as the Wednesday after a Saturday test so hopefully the torture will end soon! :)
I am doing the same thing. I can't stop thinking about the results either. That reschedule link does mess with your head. Hopefuly, we will know soon. I hope it is good news for both of us. Have you gotten any job leads?
I took the test Saturday as well and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who keeps checking for results!(even though they told us they wouldn't be posted until Friday) I have taken the test before and passed on the first try but it was right after a coding bootcamp I did so it was fresh in my mind. I have a queasy feeling about this one.:confused: I will NEVER let my CPC lapse again!!
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Re: CPC exam

Yes, I too took my exam on Sat. and am anxious. Just finished school, first time taking the test (and I hope the last!) I keep checking for my results, even though I know it's going to take a few more days. Good luck to you.
Me neither it was my second time and I got through all the questions this time. Last time, time ran the whole test. I only got through 65 questions. I felt more confident because I studied from the physicians exam manual instead of AAPC one.
amcampbell1- the first time I took it I didn't finish either. It's soooo time consuming and everything starts to look the same. they should give extra points just for the stress you go through taking the stinking thing. lol