Wiki Cpc exam book question


Mantua, NJ
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Am I allowed to use my 2014 coding books for the cpc exam? I have the test scehduled for October.

And does anyone recommend a free study guide or anything to help pass the test. I failed twice already by like 1 point and I reallllly do not want to have to take it again.
Usually AAPC states to use current 2015 cpt book but have seen 2014 in cpc exam. Try looking on youtube for Medical coding there are tips on there and also try Coaching Good luck to you.

There are paid practice tests on AAPC site.

I would highly recommend using the current year's books. Any codes that were deleted or revised between 2014 and 2015 won't be accurate in your 2014 books, and that could easily be the one or two questions that cause you to miss the passing score. If you can't buy them, see if you can't borrow them from someone for the day.
Just rembwr that ICD -9 codes are the same since 2012 so need for a 2015 book of you have a book from 2012 forward. I do recommend the 2025 CPT book and HCPC II book.