Wiki CPT for cautery of tracheoesophageal fistula?


Norristown, PA
Best answers
Any help with CPT for the following procedure:
the patient was suspended with the lindholm and a ventilating tube used at the side of the left oral cavity for oxygenation. Vocal cord spreaders were initially placed, but were too cumbersome and were removed. The 2.7mm hopkins rod and a double arm 6.0 TG 100-8 vicryl suture (from the optho room) on a straight alligator was used to place a distal stitch through the center of the TEF and out the lateral tracheal mucosa from right to left. The other arm was used to do the same from left to right, slightly more proximal to the other suture. The patient then had a laryngospasm and required replacement of the LMA and paralysis after an endotracheal tube would not pass due to closed cords. After he recovered, the suture was untangled and tied down using a knot pusher. Two knots were passed, but the third was an air knot. The airway became slightly edematous and he required intermittent intubation with a 4.0 uncuffed tube throughout the knot tying. The suture was cut with an adequate tail above the 2 knots and the patient was easily intubated with a 3.5 cuffed ETT.
Thank you!!!