Wiki cyst sizing


Sioux City, IA
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Surg/path report states left labial cyst measuring 2 x 1.3 x 0.5. Does anyone know how I can get the correct sizing on this for codes 11420 to 11426. I was taught that you take 2 plus the 1.3 x2 but I don't think that is correct. Can anyone explain this to me? Any help is appreciated.
The lesion size, per CPT, is based on the 'greatest clinical diameter' plus margins, so for these measurements you would use 2 as that is the largest of the measurements - you would not add the different measurements together. Ideally the physician should document this as the lesion size may have changed by the time it reaches pathology, or the lesion may have been broken into smaller pieces during excision, but if this is all you have, that's what I would use.
The lesion size, per CPT, is based on the 'greatest clinical diameter' plus margins, so for these measurements you would use 2 as that is the largest of the measurements - you would not add the different measurements together. Ideally the physician should document this as the lesion size may have changed by the time it reaches pathology, or the lesion may have been broken into smaller pieces during excision, but if this is all you have, that's what I would use.
Ok I think I got it. So the other numbers don't mean much, just the first number? In this instance it was 2. The doctor did note it was palpated approximately 1.5cm.
Ok I think I got it. So the other numbers don't mean much, just the first number? In this instance it was 2. The doctor did note it was palpated approximately 1.5cm.
Yes, you take the largest number only (not necessarily the first).
I think when you refer to adding the numbers, you are confusing that with adding the margins to lesion measurement.
In your example, the cyst may have been 1.5cm by whatever. The doctor took a margin of .25cm on each side of that.
So 1.5 + .25 (one margin) + .25 (other margin) = 2.0
I don't have my CPT book with me, but I'm pretty sure there are some diagrams in the integumentary system section for a visualization.