Wiki D&E(dilation and evacuation )of the Retained POC w/without hemorrhage After Abortion.

Walnut Creek, CA
Best answers
Hello Coding Professionals! :) I am a new coder and will greatly appreciate your help with understanding on how to choose the correct CPT code for the following scenario.
I have seen a few cases when pt had elective Abortion (AB) ( w/evacuation or curettage) a few days ago and now is admitted for D&E of the Retained POC w/without hemorrhage. (Progressive cervical dilation was done with Pratt dilators.. and uterine aspiration was performed with electrical suction) What puzzles me is the procedure/CPT that I need to choose.
I have searched this forum extensively and didn’t find the answer to my question. Here are my summary and a few questions, please.
1. Is it 59160? 59160-Curettage, postpartum-The physician scrapes the endometrial lining of the uterus following childbirth.. The physician gently scrapes the endometrial lining of the uterus to control bleeding, treat obstetric lacerations, or remove any remaining placental tissue.
To me, it’s not 59160 because a) this code is for After the Delivery b) it does not require Dilation of cervix. But in my cases, MD dilates and pt had Abortion (15w-19w), not a Delivery.
2. Is it 58120? 58120-Dilation and curettage, diagnostic and/or therapeutic (nonobstetrical)-MD dilates, scrapes for diag/therapeutic purposes. Someone in this forum suggested to use this code because pt is no longer pregnant.
3. Or to use again Abortion CPT, 59812 Treatment of incomplete abortion, any trimester, completed surgically? I like this code better; it describes Dilation and Suction that were done for retained POC. What confuses me is that it seems like I am billing for AB twice: elective AB ( 59840/59841) and now, a few days later, 59812 for Incomplete AB.
Your perplexed OB/GYN student.
Thank you very much for your help!
I privately received the response to my question - to code this scenario as 59812. But I am surprised that nobody else responded. I know we have hundreds of OB/GYN certified coders and OB/GYN coders with vast experience in this area. Could you please share your experience with new coders? Your knowledge are greatly appreciated by many of us. Thank you very much!
I privately received the response to my question - to code this scenario as 59812. But I am surprised that nobody else responded. I know we have hundreds of OB/GYN certified coders and OB/GYN coders with vast experience in this area. Could you please share your experience with new coders? Your knowledge are greatly appreciated by many of us. Thank you very much!
That is odd as I only saw this question today and the date is today's date in the que, not the Wednesday date I see at the top of your question. Computer glitch perhaps? At any rate, I would agree that 59812 is the correct answer. The patient still has products of conception so 58120 cannot be reported, and she did not deliver so 59160 is also not correct.
Dear Nielynco,
Thank you very much for your response! So, we got 2 matching answers to this case- 59812 and now I have confidence to code it correctly. Your response will help many new coders like me. I also would like to recognize your time and willingness to help with all Other posted questions by us. Thank you very much.:)