Wiki Deletion of code S0020 Injection, bupivacaine hydrochloride, 30 ml


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Hello-Code S0020 Injection, bupivacaine hydrochloride, 30 ml was deleted on 6/30/2023. Is anyone aware of the new code to replace S0020?
Does this apply if we use a bupivicaine strength of .25% or .75% or is it only correctly used if the .5% strength is used?
I have tried to look at and review all of the guidelines and a fee schedule was assigned to J0665 by CMS on 07/01/23. However, now that we are billing for it, I am getting denials for "N19 : Procedure code incidental to primary procedure". Could I be misinterpreting the guidelines or is anyone else having the same issue?
If we use 20 ml of bupivicaine, does anyone know how that translates to the new code which is .5mg?

Common Scenarios: ML to MG Conversions in Health​

Liquid Medications: DID you get your answer?​

  • In the case of liquid medications, the concentration of the active ingredient is often expressed in milligrams per milliliter (MG/ML). To determine the appropriate dosage in milligrams, one must multiply the volume in milliliters by the concentration.
    For example, if a liquid medication has a concentration of 5 MG/ML and the prescribed dose is 10 ML, the total dosage would be 50 MG (5 MG/ML x 10 ML).