Wiki Diabetes Education Services - Family Practice setting


Gardner, KS
Best answers
We have a RN, BSN who is also a Certified Diabetes Edcuator through the ADA. Since she is not a RD and currently does not have her own NPI number does anyone know how to bill for her services rendered in the clinic setting? Codes being used are G0108 for individual and G0109 for group setting. Do these services have to be billed under a supervising physician? If so I would assume then that the supervising physician would have to sign off on all the charts.....???

Any light shed on this subject that is current and helpful would be appriciated.

Thank you.
We have a roughly similar situation at our clinic in that we have an RN/BSN assigned to be our Diabetes Educator. She is not a CDE, but she does have her NPI. Here's how we are handling it at my clinic:

1) first, get your RN an NPI. It is remarkably easy to get one

2) our RN makes a chart note, but has to send it to our Medical Director for review and oversign, and she can only use 99211 at this stage

3) When our RN gets her CDE, she can use 9780x and G010x (and maybe
G0270; have to research this one), but she would still have to have patients referred to her by one of our providers, and she would still have to have her notes oversigned by the Medical Director/supervising physician