Wiki Do I need a modifier?


Mansfield, GA
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I have a case where Dr 1 goes in and does knee surgery. The patient is left under anesthesia, Dr 2 comes in and performs surgery on the ankle. Both in the same practice, did not assist each other.
Would I need a modifier on the Dr 2 case?
From CMS: "Different procedures require no modifier - If surgeons of different specialties are each performing a different procedure (with different CPT codes), neither co-surgery nor multiple surgeon rules apply (even if the procedures are performed through the same incision). If one of the surgeons performs multiple procedures, the multiple procedure rules apply to that surgeon’s services."
From CMS: "Different procedures require no modifier - If surgeons of different specialties are each performing a different procedure (with different CPT codes), neither co-surgery nor multiple surgeon rules apply (even if the procedures are performed through the same incision). If one of the surgeons performs multiple procedures, the multiple procedure rules apply to that surgeon’s services."