Wiki dual stent insertion, same laterality


Milwaukee, WI
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I'm confused on how to code this procedure. Doctor did a Cystoscopy, retrograde pyelogram, ureteral stent exchange. That I understand, but..
" A new 4.8 French by 26 cm double-pigtail ureteral stent was placed into the left collecting system. Position of the stent was confirmed with fluoroscopy. Using the 6 French open-ended ureteral catheters the guidewire was passed back through the ureter and with some manipulation into the left renal pelvis. A second 4.8 French by 28 cm double-pigtail ureteral stent was then placed into the left collecting system. "
So he placed 2 stents. Would this be best represented with a 22 modifier? 52332-22-LT?
Doesn't happen often, but I'd apply two CPT 52332.
CPT 52332.LT + CPT 52332.76.LT + 74420.26, not to sure on the mod 76.

Applying modifier 22 is another option, but personally I'd code it twice.