Wiki DX for ABO/scant villi


Albuquerque, NM
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Patient came in for elective abortion procedure 5wks 4 days. When the provider examined POC only saw scant villi. I'm not sure what that means. What dx should I use for this case?

Provider documented on procedure details:
"The cervix was dilated as above and the suction curette was then advanced into the uterine cavity. Several passes with the curette were made to evacuate the products of conception from the endometrial cavity. Good uterine cri was appreciated throughout the cavity at the end of the procedure. Products of conception were examined with gross inspection as above with scant villi." and " Due to early PAB and only scant villi seen on POC analysis, decision was made to collect HCG today and repeat tomorrow 24hrs after procedure."

Villi are a part of the placental tissue. This finding by itself does not represent any abnormality or diagnosis for which you can assign a code. The diagnosis for an elective abortion that is not done due to other medical complications or problems would be Z33.2 - Encounter for elective termination of pregnancy.