Wiki E&M Auditing for Crit Care Hospitalist...


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Are there any good sources/tools to use for auditing the E&M for Critical Care Hospitalist? We are having questions on whether the physician needs to do another H&P on the patient when he/she is covering for another physician or serving as a (evaluation of ventilatory and hemodynamic status) consultant. He seems to accept care by changing and writing orders and states he will follow with the other physician (working as a team with the other physcian). We are not sure if the documentation guidelines are the same as with a primary care physicians E&M visit.
The critical care physician is a solo practictioner, internal med and pulmonary specialist.

Any help with this would be helpful.

Documentation for E/M

Documentation guidelines for E/M services are the same for all specialities ... surgeon, hospitalist, family practioner ... makes no difference .. the rules for E/M are the same across the board.

From the limited info in your question, it does sound as if your critical care hospitalist is taking over management of the patient who is critically ill. Probably should be billing the critical care codes (assuming documentation warrants).

Hope that helps

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC