Wiki EMGs codes


Evans, GA
Best answers
Neurology is new to me. We seem to get a lot of denials for EMGs that are currently being billed using 95900 four separate times, 95904 four separate times, and 95934 two separate times. Studies are done on 4 sensory nerves, 4 motor nerves, and 2 limbs. Should this be coded differently? Thanks, Cindy
The NCV portion of the test is billed:
95900 (4 units)
95904 (4 units)
The EMG portion is billed:

The 95934 code is for a completely different kind of test.
The EMG codes to choose from are: 95860-95864 (1-4 extremities)

Remember, though, that in order to charge out a full extremity, the doctor has to test at least 5 muscles in that extremity and document it in the EMG report. If it's less than that, then you'll need to bill out 95870 (limited extremity). For example, the doctor tests 5 muscles in one extremity and only 2 muscles in the other... then we would bill:
95860, 95870-59

I hope that helps you out!