Wiki Endoscopy of Urostomy

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Please advise for Urology coding:

Pt in supine position and sedated. 0.35 sensor wire was passed up to the left kidney. The 6 open tipped catheter was placed. Retrograde pyelogram was done. The 7 french by 30 ml stent was placed under fluoroscopy. Stent was in good position. The procedure was terminated.

52234 and 52332???

Thanks for any advice!

Please advise for Urology coding:

Pt in supine position and sedated. 0.35 sensor wire was passed up to the left kidney. The 6 open tipped catheter was placed. Retrograde pyelogram was done. The 7 french by 30 ml stent was placed under fluoroscopy. Stent was in good position. The procedure was terminated.

52234 and 52332???

Thanks for any advice!


Was the stent placed in the Ureter? Then 52332, but the other code is for removing bladder tumors...