Wiki Excludes 1 Denials Z01.419/Z30.41

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We currently have a diagnosis edit tool that is flagging GYN preventative visits billed with DX Z01.419 and Z30.41 as having an excludes 1 relationship. We're also receiving denials from some commercial plans for this same reason. ICD-10 lists Z01.4 as excludes 2 with Z30.4 , meaning they can be billed together if supported by documentation. Anyone else experiencing this, and have you had success with appealing the denials?
Yes, some of the payers are denying claims when contraception codes such in the Z30.4 series when they are billed with Z01.411/Z01.419. The guidelines clearly say they can be billed together which is why the excludes 2 note is listed under the Z01.411 section. But the payers make their own guidelines as well. So, yes you are not alone.
There are not any excludes notes for this pair. See section 5 in the Chapter 21 guidelines for info on screening codes - Z11.3 is acceptable but some insurers don't like the Z codes.