Wiki Fat Harvesting via Lipsuction


Brewerton, NY
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Below is a procedure our Dr performed to correct and hip deformity. I am trying to find out the most appropriate CPT code. I am not sure if 20926 is the best code for this as the Dr used liposuction then injected the fat in the hip area.

I proceeded by making 2 small incisions on the inside of her umbilicus to allow placement of a tumescent catheter. I then injected tumescent fluid consisting of 1 mL of normal saline with 50 mL of lidocaine 1%, and 1 mg of 1:1000 epinephrine in the solution. This was divided evenly across her anterior abdominal wall. I then proceeded to harvest the fat. Liposuction was performed, and the fat grabbed in a Lukens trap and transported to 60 mL syringes and allowed to stand and separated by gravity.

This procedure was repeated extensively on both sides of the abdomen until adequate amount of fat was harvested. I then proceeded with further liposuction of the abdomen to achieve contour equality on the other side. The wounds were then closed with fast-gut 5-0 simple sutures. I then went ahead and prepared the fat graft.

The harvested fat had been left to stand for more than 25 minutes. The fat harvest specimens had separated, and all the excess tumescent fluid was drained out. The lower portion of the fat was transferred to multiple 10 mL syringes. The upper portion of the collected fat containing supernatant oil was discarded. This gave us around 150 mL of good quality fat. This was injected into the right thigh contour deformity after making multiple incisions around the deformity. Injection was subcutaneous and done until adequate contour deformity correction was achieved. I did not over inject, and the fat was never under any tension

Thank you,