Wiki flap vaginoplasty


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Could use help/opinions on how this should be coded: 58999/57106/57335. ( don't think is this correct as it is intersex) Patient has persistent cloaca with previous repair. The procedure: examining the external perineum, there was a bar of tissue where the perineal body had been reconstructed that appeared to be causing trapping of the urine. Elected to proceed with a flap vaginoplasty. An inverted U was maked out beneath the vagina and incision was carried to the posterior wall of the vagina. Flap was developed and mobilized. Incised deep enough into the vagina, skin edges were brought together. Redundant flab tissue was excised. At conclusion the vagina was patent.
Could use help/opinions on how this should be coded: 58999/57106/57335. ( don't think is this correct as it is intersex) Patient has persistent cloaca with previous repair. The procedure: examining the external perineum, there was a bar of tissue where the perineal body had been reconstructed that appeared to be causing trapping of the urine. Elected to proceed with a flap vaginoplasty. An inverted U was maked out beneath the vagina and incision was carried to the posterior wall of the vagina. Flap was developed and mobilized. Incised deep enough into the vagina, skin edges were brought together. Redundant flab tissue was excised. At conclusion the vagina was patent.
I would consider this to fall under the work involved with 56800, plastic repair of the introitus. I agree that the code for vaginoplasty would not apply in this case.