Wiki Fobt cpt 82274


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We are beginning to use this test. One kit has 3 test in it. One is done in the office & billed at that time. The patient is to take home the other 2 test & return them at intervals during a years time. Does 82274 cover 1 kit or 1 test? Since the patient is leaving with the property, can we bill her for it & then refund her & bill her insurance when the card is returned months down the road? This is very confusing to me & I could use some help. Accutest is the maker of this specific test.:confused:
82274 covers one kit and it can only be charged when the slides are returned. Just providing the kit does not qualify for coding 82274 because you are not completing the test until it is returned. Unfortunately a lot of these are not returned and there is nothing you can do to recoup the cost.