Wiki For a post circumcision hematoma, would 54015 and 54163 be ok?

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For a post circumcision hematoma, would 54015 and 54163 be ok? My coworker suggested 54440 for penile injury but The bleeding is a complication. Any assistance or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

OPERATIVE FINDINGS; hematoma due to skin edge bleeding of circumcision incision, left ventral

OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: After the induction of general anesthesia, the patient remained in the supine position and he was prepped and draped in the usual manner.

There was massive swelling of the penis and scrotum, however most of the hematoma appeared to be coming from the circumcision incision.
The sutures were cut from the circumcision and the dartos and skin edges were examined in it's entirety. The bleeding seem to be coming from the left ventrolateral skin edge. This was fulgurated.

Additional areas were fulgrated to ensure adequate hemostasis. Once we were satisfied we irrigated the wound then re approximated the skin edges using 3-0 chromic sutures
This appeared to have controlled the bleeding and so the scrotum did not need to be explored Bacitracin was applied, xeroform, and coban dressing.

The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery in stable condition.