Wiki Further incident-to question


Maple Shade, NJ
Best answers
Here's a rewording of my previous incident-to question. I REALLY need to clarify this for our office and appreciate all of your suggestions. Thanks again.

"In a surgical practice my surgeon may be in the OR on a day a PA sees one of his patients for follow up. In that event we have another one of our doctors in the office. So who do you bill under? The "attending" physician who isn't present or the physician who is present but not the attending doctor? Also, based on your answer, which doctor co-signs the chart?"
You place the physician that saw the ptient originally in this office (attending) in 17 and 17b, The on site supervising physician NPI in 24J and line 31. The doc that the PA is in the collaborative aggrement with signs the chart note.
This is an easy one. Under incident-to rules the supervising physician must be "in the office suite where the patient encounter occurred". Since the attending physician was in the OR, he doesn't qualify. That only leaves the other physician, who IS present. He should sign off on the chart, and his name should be used on the claim form as the billing provider.