Wiki Fx - Consult in ER/Hosp


Dayton, PA
Best answers
If I have a patient who fell and factured his left scapula 5/7/15, went to ER that same day, our doctor was asked about the injury and he decided there was no reason to admitt him. However, the treating physician and family felt since the patient lives alone and is a diabetic and has to give himself shots it might be best to admitt him. He was admitted for that night

5/8/15 our doctor did a consult at the hospital and the patient was discharged with a sling and advised to do gental pendulum exercises.

5/20/15 patient comes to our office for follow up X-rays done - comminuted scapula fracture - coninute pendulum exercises.

Hospital does not code for fracture care. With that said.

Can I code the fracture and fracture care for 5/20/15 OV? This would be two weeks after consult. Or would I bill a Healing Fracture code with an Straight E/M Code?

Also, Is there a time frame from consult in hospital to OV where a fracture care code can no longer be use?

Thank you,
I would've billed a closed treatment for the fracture 23570 at the initial visit in the hospital. There is a following code if there was any manipulation performed. If no manipulation, 23570 would be coded.