Wiki G6017 modifier question


Local Chapter Officer
El Dorado, KS
Best answers

We are a free-standing radiation treatment center. The center is owned by a group of urologists. The radiation oncologists are credentialed under our Tax ID and their employer’s Tax ID. The radiation oncologists’ employer bills their professional charges under their Tax ID and we bill the technical component under our Tax ID.

We are struggling to decide how to bill for G6017 or 77387. Is it correct to bill 77387 w/ TC modifier and G6017 (no modifier)? And should it be billed under the radiation oncologists’ Tax ID (professional) or our Tax ID (the urologist group that owns the center)? Per AACP Coder CPT 77387 the 26 modifier (professional component) is not an allowed modifier. We have only been reimbursed if we bill the claim globally.