Wiki GI screening colonoscopy for MCR advantage


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I billed a low risk screening colonoscopy (G0121) with V76.51 as I generally do. The carrier, AARP- United Health Care Medicare Adavantage, denied citing NCD 210.3, diagnosis does not meet medical necessity criteria, does not correspond with CPT. I have no idea where to turn. I 've searched the CMS website, UHC website, have made numerous phone calls and I have received no help or advice on this one. Can anyone help, please??
I'm having this same problem. I have reached out to my UHC rep, but I still don't have an answer. I have searched far and wide looking for answers too. Glad to know that I am not alone at least.
I may be way off on this but 210.3 "benign neoplasm of floor of mouth" is not relevant to the colonoscopy-- do you have to have that code on there?