Wiki Global Fee Periods and Reduced or Discontinued Procedures (Modifiers 52 and 53)


Thomasville, GA
Best answers
I am researching global surgery rules and modifiers and I’m having a hard time finding documentation addressing how modifiers 52 and 53 affect the global fee period. Does the global fee period still apply when a procedure is reduced or discontinued?
I am researching global surgery rules and modifiers and I’m having a hard time finding documentation addressing how modifiers 52 and 53 affect the global fee period. Does the global fee period still apply when a procedure is reduced or discontinued?
This is a really great question! Modifiers 52 and 53 have no effect on the global period of a procedure. That being said, I am curious about how you got started down this road of research? Did you receive a particular denial? Did a provider inquire? Would you mind sharing more information? Thanks, Vanessa Moldovan