Wiki Global follow ups


Rochester, NY
Best answers
We are 4 months new at billing Pacemaker/ICD insertions at the hospital and then having to deal with the whole Global deal.
I think I need some more info on this if anyone can give me some pointers.
I understand that there is a 90 day global period, which means that any office visit in reference to this surgery is considered global and should not be billed to the insurance, but what happens if, for example, a hematoma at the site of implant developes?? Or anything else for that matter?? Does it then become billable?
Yes, you can bill them. You just have to use the correct modifiers to let the carriers know that you are aware of the global. As in your example of the hematoma, you can bill your procedure code along with Modifier 78 and use the DX 996.... (complications due to implant....). This is where modifiers can make or break (pay or deny) your claims.