Wiki HCC Continuing Education Material Sharing

Sandy Spring, GA
Best answers
I am reaching out to see if there are any HCC physician educators among you who would be willing to share your HCC continuing education material designed for primary care providers.
Hi Briana:)
Let me add with HCC coding you need to understand Forever Disease vs Chronic Conditions and T.O.A.D. are vital to be aware plus comorbidities. Forever Ds. can be Depression, M Retardation, Autism, Herpes, AIDS HIV, Lupus, Sickle Cell, Sub Abuse Ds. Multiple Dys. and transplanted organs or amputated body parts. The Chronic Diseases are: CHF, DM, BMI, HTN, COPD, OSA, Arthritis, dx G47 , CHKD, HLD, and E03 dx.
T-Transplants, O-Ostomies A-Amputations and Dialysis hopefully providers add this data in. Also "trumping"is term to know with HCC dx coding. It has nothing to do with the 45th President either.:) As reference book check out AMA Risk Adjustment Document and Coding by Sherri P Bernard. Great resource! Oh yes R dx codes (signs & symptoms)usually DO NOT RISK adjust.
I hope helped you somewhat on this topic;)
Lady T
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Trumping means........In Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding, trumping refers to the process of using higher scores to replace lower scores within a hierarchy. This is important because only the highest score is reported for each hierarchy, so it's important to code diagnoses as accurately and specifically as possible. I thought should tell you this bit of data or FYI :)
Well hope this info helps you
Lady T